1 – Lessons begin

Welcome to Coding-School.com old school!

Some of the tips, techniques and code freely imparted here, I’ve searched the web previously and come back empty handed. Then set about hand crafting my own solutions – which you get completely for free!.

If you have found my website useful, please consider buying me a coffee below 😉

Cheers and enjoy,


Fun CLI Ruby

Seems ruby follows perl/awk in many ways especially arguments.

Print file name for files over 1k bytes .. obviously can do with find .. but you might want to slice/dice fields or do more with contents, etc.

$ ls -l | ruby -ane '$F[0]["d"] or ($F[4].to_i > 1000 and puts $F[-1])'  

R – native and ggplot boxplots

date <- seq.Date(as.Date("2013-06-01"), as.Date("2014-05-31"), "days") set.seed(100) x <- as.integer(abs(rnorm(365))*1000) df <- data.frame(date, x) boxplot(df$x ~ months(df$date), outline = FALSE,las=2)
library(ggplot2)  ggplot(df) +   geom_boxplot(aes(reorder(format(date,'%B'),date),fill=format(date,'%Y'),x)) +         xlab('Month') + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Year")) +         theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45)) 

R – ggplot example

$ head dl.csv  time,code,count 6:59,200,31 7:00,200,1841 7:00,502,3644 7:01,200,369  > x<-read.csv("dl.csv") > library(dplyr) > library(tidyverse)  > ggplot(x,aes(time,count,color=code))+geom_point()+scale_x_discrete(breaks = levels(x$time)[c(T, rep(F, 5))])+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))  

R – graph by month

> options(scipen=5) > jan20<-x[grepl("2023-01",x$date) & x$enabled > 0 & x$ignore==0,] > barplot(tapply(jan20$users,jan20$date,sum)/1000,las=2,main="Jan 2023 - by month",col=rainbow(10),cex.names=0.8)

R – Read in CSV

> setwd("/Users/mark/Documents/Stats") > x<-read.csv("sites.csv",sep="\t",stringsAsFactors = F) > summary(x$url) Length     Class      Mode     983002 character character   > summary(x$score)    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's   -3.000  -2.000  -1.000   1.977  -1.000  25.000       1 

R – Package List

How to list all packages that have been imported into current session

> (.packages())

Example output

> (.packages()) [1] "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"  "methods"   [7] "base" 

To see if a package is installed:

> x<-grep("tidyverse",installed.packages()) > installed.packages()[x]

Install a number of packages as below:

> install.packages(c("nycflights13", "gapminder", "Lahman"))

Instances – AWS CLI

  1. aws ec2 describe-instances | jq -cr ‘.Reservations[].Instances[0]|[.InstanceId,.InstanceType,.KeyName,.State,.Tags]’ # list instances
  2. aws ec2 describe-instance-status –instance-id <INST-ID> | jq ‘ .InstanceStatuses | .[].InstanceState.Name’ # show instance
  3. aws ec2 start-instances –instance-id <INST-ID> # start instance

LoadBalancers – AWS CLI

  1. aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers| jq -c ‘.LoadBalancers[]|[.LoadBalancerName,.LoadBalancerArn]’ # list arns
  2. aws elbv2 describe-listeners –load-balancer-arn <ARN>  | jq -c ‘.|.Listeners[]|[.Protocol,.Port,.ListenerArn] # list listeners
  3.  aws elbv2 describe-rules –listener-arn <ARN> | jq -c ‘.Rules[]|.Conditions,.Actions’ # list rules

MongoDB Intro

  1. Connect to mongodb: $ mongo
  2. show dbs;
  3. db.<collection>.stats(1024000000) # gb – ref
  4. db.<collection>.find({},{<field>:<value>}).sort({<field>:1}).limit(5); # find top 5
  5. db.<collection>.find({},{<field>:1}).sort({<field>:-1}).limit(5); # find bottom 5
  6. db.<collection>.find({<field>:{ $lt: <val>}},{<field>:1}).count(); # count matches
  7. db.runCommand({compact:'<collection>’}) # compact collection

Cassandra – tablestats

How to produce a digest of tables using nodetool

$ nodetool tablestats | awk ‘ /Keyspace/ || /Latency/ {print $0} /Table:/ {gsub(/^[ ][ ]/,””);table=”–> “$0} /Space used/ && $NF > 0 {gsub(/^[ ][ ]/,””);space=space “|” $0} /used by snapshots/ {printf(“%-30s\t%-30s\n”,table,space);table=””;space=””} ‘

Keyspace : system_traces
Read Latency: NaN ms
Write Latency: NaN ms
–> Table: events
–> Table: sessions
Keyspace : system
Read Latency: 4.279434782608696 ms
Write Latency: 0.3454382659499075 ms
–> Table: IndexInfo
–> Table: available_ranges
–> Table: batches
–> Table: batchlog
–> Table: built_views
–> Table: compaction_history |Space used (live): 13424|Space used (total): 13424
–> Table: hints
–> Table: local |Space used (live): 15977|Space used (total): 15977
–> Table: paxos
–> Table: peer_events
–> Table: peers |Space used (live): 14912|Space used (total): 14912
–> Table: prepared_statements
–> Table: range_xfers
–> Table: size_estimates |Space used (live): 94270|Space used (total): 94270
–> Table: sstable_activity |Space used (live): 11098|Space used (total): 11098
–> Table: transferred_ranges
–> Table: views_builds_in_progress
Keyspace : system_distributed
Read Latency: NaN ms
Write Latency: NaN ms
–> Table: parent_repair_history
–> Table: repair_history
–> Table: view_build_status
Keyspace : system_schema
Read Latency: 1.7939485294117647 ms
Write Latency: 2.188590909090909 ms
–> Table: aggregates
–> Table: columns |Space used (live): 18096|Space used (total): 18096
–> Table: dropped_columns
–> Table: functions
–> Table: indexes
–> Table: keyspaces |Space used (live): 10828|Space used (total): 10828
–> Table: tables |Space used (live): 16857|Space used (total): 16857
–> Table: triggers
–> Table: types
–> Table: views
Keyspace : system_auth
Read Latency: 0.241 ms
Write Latency: 0.123 ms
–> Table: resource_role_permissons_index
–> Table: role_members
–> Table: role_permissions
–> Table: roles |Space used (live): 5134|Space used (total): 5134