Perl Hash Maps/associative arrays
values can be assigned to hash tables as
%states= ("California","Sacramento","Wisconsin","Madison","New York","Albany");
We can also use => operator to identify the
key to the left, and the value to the right; if the => operator
encounters bare words in key positions, they will be automatically
quoted (note “New York”, however, which consists of two words
and MUST be quoted
%states= (California=>"Sacramento",Wisconsin=>"Madison","New York"=>"Albany");
In above example California is key and Sacromento is value.
Similarily Wisconsin is key and Madison is value.
print "Capital of California is " . $states{"California"} . "nn";
printing all values(using for loop):
#!/usr/bin/perl %states= (California=>"Sacramento",Wisconsin=>"Madison","New York"=>"Albany"); foreach my $keys(keys %states) { print "KEY:$keys VALUE:$states{$keys}n"; } output KEY:Wisconsin VALUE:Madison KEY:New York VALUE:Albany KEY:California VALUE:Sacramento