You want to be able to view BEA Weblogic Server status from the command line.
Works beautifully with weblogic 6.1 and wlintegration 2.1 on Solaris – untested with Weblogic 7 or 8, etc.
If your setenv.sh is different, update to correct path – same with password and port (7001).
To obtain the JVM stats, just run it like this:
./wladmin GET -pretty -type JVMRuntime
=================== wladmin script ========================== #!/bin/zsh # script to run command line weblogic stuff [ $# -eq 0 ] && { echo " Usage: $0 Command Examples: $0 HELP $0 GET -pretty -type Server $0 GET -pretty -type Server $0 GET -pretty -type Security $0 GET -pretty -type WebAppComponent $0 GET -pretty -type WebAppComponent Runtime -property Status $0 GET -pretty -type Application $0 GET -pretty -type Realm $0 GET -pretty -type ServletRuntime $0 GET -pretty -type JVMRuntime $0 GET -pretty -type JDBCConnectionPool $0 GET -pretty -type JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime $0 GET -pretty -type Machine $0 GET -pretty -type Cluster $0 GET -pretty -type ClusterRuntime $0 GET -pretty -type JTA $0 GET -pretty -type JTARuntime $0 GET -pretty -type ExecuteQueue $0 GET -pretty -type ExecuteQueueRuntime " exit 1 } . /opt/bea/wlserver6.1/setenv.sh > /dev/null java -cp $CLASSPATH weblogic.Admin -url localhost:7001 -username system -password YOUR_PASSWORD $* exit 0 =================== wladmin script ==========================
The HeapFreeCurrent is the value of interest.
Capture can then be automated with a script run by cron, that additionally pumps out the date to correlate timings with stats.
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