the fade anything technique


You want to add something flash to your site.
A color loads, which you then want to change



Well cool “Fade Anything Technique”!

Really simple implementation, just copy fade anything>%20fade%20anything%20fat.js%20< and then any divs, etc with an id
of fade-xxx will fade from that color. Many more options, check out these highly recommended articles.



<script type="text/javascript" src="/fat.js">
<div style="width: 600px; border:1px dashed #23932B; padding: 10px;" id="fade-23932B" class="fade-23932B">



Check out the article hosted by axentric, written by Adam Michela

It was inspired by 37 signals


Stripping out newlines from string


Different versions of UNIX handle the stripping of newlines in a string differently. Obviously if you echo a string, the shell automatically expands newlines “n”.



sed and tr don’t appear to like performing these substitutions. But with Perl its a steal. 🙂



% echo 'hello worldnhello worldntest it' | perl -ane 's#\n# #g; print,"";'

hello world hello world test it



[tags], Unix Coding School[/tags]


Resize image command line – mogrify


You want to resize images from the command line.



Use image magik mogrify command.

mogrify -resize "percentage" image_na

Also you can view current sizing – like this:

% identify IMG_3864.JPG
IMG_3864.JPG JPEG 563x422 563x422+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 32.8887kb



mogrify -resize 20% IMG_3705.JPG





UNIX Pipes – event triggers action


You want to listen on a pipe and perform commands, based on the text sent to the pipe.

This could be useful for triggering action based on events;
Running code as different users – i.e. allow root or a functional user to run something – just need to allow access to group of users, via permission to write to the pipe.



1. mknod /tmp/.restart_crd

2. chmod a+w /tmp/.restart_crd

3. nohup tail -f /tmp/.restart_crd| while read line
case "$line" in
'restart') cmd="./stop >> /tmp/restart.log 2>&1; sleep 5; ./start >> /tmp/restart.log 2>&1";;
'stop') cmd="./stop >> /tmp/restart.log 2>&1";;
'start') cmd="./start >> /tmp/restart.log 2>&1";;
*) cmd="no match ${line}.";;

echo "command is $cmd"
eval $cmd

sleep 5

done &

4. disown



$ echo "restart" > /tmp/.restart_crd

$ echo "start" > /tmp/.restart_crd

$ echo "stop" > /tmp/.restart_crd

Watch output in by tail -f /tmp/restart.log



[tags], Unix Coding School[/tags]


ldapsearch limit returned results


You want to perform an ldap search but only receive a limited number of records in return.



Use -z # to restrict the number of records returned.



Search and return only 5 records.

ldapsearch -x -z 5 -v-D"cn=Manager,dc=demo,dc=net"-w secret
-b"dc=demo,dc=net" "(lastlogin>=99999999)"



[tags], LDAP Training School[/tags]


ldapsearch greater than


You want to search for a field greater than a value, in your LDAP search.



To search for a field with a value greater than a given figure, we use >=. If you try to just use > it chucks out an error.



This is how to perform a greater than LDAP search.

ldapsearch -x -v-D"cn=Manager,dc=demo,dc=net"-w secret
-b"dc=demo,dc=net" "(lastlogin>=99999999)"



[tags]ldapsearch syntax, openldap ldapsearch, LDAP Training School[/tags]


receive notification when file arrives


You want to get notified when a file arrives. Maybe it is coming in from somewhere else, or just is the result of some processing.

What ever the case, never sit there waiting for a file to arrive again! 🙂



Put the code under example tab, in a cron entry. See reference for more detail about cron.

Change the minutes, hour, filename and mail address! 🙂 You may need to use mail instead of mailx and ksh, etc instead of bash. But the basic syntax is the same. 🙂



0-59 12 * * * bash -c "([ -f $HOME/test-touch ] &&
mailx -s "test-touch found at `date`"



[tags]cron, UNIX Batch, UNIX Scripts, Unix Coding School[/tags]


UNIX debugging


  1. You want to debug a running process on Solaris?
  2. You want to debug running process on Linux?



See the example for debugging processes on Solaris or Linux – the syntax shows all system executes and reads.



  1. truss -xall -vall -rall -t'read' -p PID #

    To run a command and have it produce debug info, run it prefix with the truss syntax:

    truss -xall -vall -rall -t'read' your command #

    Another good option when debugging, is to run truss and look at the opens. Or more specifically the failures – as this often highlights missing libraries or permissions issues.

    truss -t'open' -p PID #

  2. On Linux use strace, which takes basically the same options. You just use -e, like this:

    strace -e'open' ls
    open("/etc/", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
    open("/etc/", O_RDONLY) = 3
    open("/lib/tls/", O_RDONLY) = 3
    open("/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
    open("/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
    open("/lib/tls/", O_RDONLY) = 3
    open("/lib/tls/", O_RDONLY) = 3
    open("/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
    open("/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 3
    open("/etc/mtab", O_RDONLY) = 3
    open("/proc/meminfo", O_RDONLY) = 3



[tags]UNIX Debugging, Solaris Debugging, Linux Debugging, truss, strace, Unix Coding School[/tags]
