Good use of R’s tapply function to summary data ..
## read a csv file into a table called x – the first row contains column names
## In my instance column names are Item,Amount,Cat,Month,Who
## split out by Who
bob<-x[x$Who == "bob",] jane<-x[x$Who == "jane",]
## Spin around each row (obs) and sum the Amount
## Typical output for bob #
# books equipment licences stationery supplies telephone
# 303.00 694.27 132.00 345.50 96.00 30.00
# Then for jane
# books equipment licences stationery supplies telephoneIf you have found my website useful, please consider buying me a coffee below 😉
# 163.0 583.0 348.0 678.4 11543.0 NA